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Training for Professionals


4-Day Introductory Neurofeedback Course- Rescheduled and In-Person!

Registration is now open! 

Taught by Ed Hamlin, PhD, BCN, Mary Ammerman, PsyD, BCN and Anna Morrell, MS, BCN

Dates: Thursday - Sunday, December 12-15th

Location: 2135 Route 33, Hamilton NJ 08690

This course is BCIA approved, counts towards BCIA certification, and provides the necessary foundation for getting started with neurofeedback. Participants will learn the arousal model, basic neuroanatomy, elements of the EEG, and the history and efficacy of neurofeedback as well as much, much more. Each day there is a hands-on practicum experience so participants can apply what they’ve learned. Please click the link below for more information and registration!

Neurofeedback in a Clinical Practice

Advanced Beginner Neurofeedback Skills Class (In Person Course)

Taught by Mary Ammerman, PsyD, BCN

Dates: TBD

This 2.5 day class is designed for people who have already been through the 4-Day Introductory Course. Whether some time has passed between attending the introductory course and receiving your neurofeedback equipment or if you’ve had a few months to practice on friends and family, this class distills the most important points of the introductory course in terms of application. We will review 4 common EEG patterns associated with over and under arousal, ensure proper placement of 10-20 sites, walk through the steps of training a client from explaining neurofeedback and setting realistic client goals to assessing symptoms, recording and interpreting 2 site mini maps, selecting and adjusting protocols, using effective coaching strategies, managing thresholds, and evaluating client progress. This class provides another opportunity for hands on practice. 

 Mary Ammerman, PsyD, BCN earned her doctorate in clinical psychology from Pepperdine University. Since 2006, she has combined neurofeedback training with talk therapy in her work with clients. Mary became board certified in neurofeedback in 2012 and has been co-teaching the introductory Neurofeedback in a Clinical Practice 4-day workshop since 2013.  She launched her Advanced Beginner NFB Skills course in 2018. She mentors beginning neurofeedback providers internationally and across the USA. The clinicians she mentors have commented on her ability to explain complicated concepts in clear and simple language, using humor and everyday analogies.


Alpha-Theta and Other Alternative States Training Course

Taught by Ed Hamlin, PhD, BCN, Mary Ammerman, PsyD, BCN

Dates: TBD

Registration: COMING SOON

Location: 28 Schenck Pkwy, Asheville, NC 28803 (Western Carolina University, Asheville Campus)

Expand your horizons and your consciousness with Alpha Theta training! IAN and EEG Learn are pleased to announce an Alpha-Theta and Other Alternative States Training course. 

In this 2.5 day experiential workshop taught by Ed Hamlin, PhD, BCN and Mary Ammerman, PsyD, BCN you will learn the important ways in which Alpha Theta training differs from Beta SMR training.  We will discuss the evidence-based benefits of Alpha Theta training, the situations in which this approach can be most useful, as well as explaining how to properly prepare your clients for this type of neurofeedback.  Participants will also have multiple opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning. 

In addition, we will discuss other promising types of Alternative State neurofeedback training.  Come learn how you can help your clients rescript their subconscious so they can free themselves from self-limiting beliefs.

Please book early; seats are limited and local accommodations during this beautiful time of year tend to fill up quickly.  We hope to see you there!


ACEP Logo web APA Logo Scaling Up Logo is approved by: 

● American Psychological Association (APA): Scaling Up, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Scaling Up, LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 

● National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC): Scaling Up, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7065. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Scaling Up, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.  

Regulating the Developing Brain

Taught by Anna Morrell, MS, BCN

Dates: TBD

Research is revealing that the pandemic has disrupted typical routines, rituals, and socialization for all children and has most significantly affected those already suffering developmental impacts. Our children are stressed, dysregulated, and need increasing support to navigate our unpredictable and all too often threatening world. There is a growing body of research demonstrating that neurofeedback regulates affect, executive functioning, and stress management.

This course will focus on skills related to neurofeedback assessment, recognizing EEG patterns, cultivating intention, sensory modulation, and expressive arts psychotherapy in neurofeedback sessions. We will illustrate how this approach works through case vignettes, highlighting how to integrate psychotherapy and neurofeedback within each weekly topic. Topics will include the impact of the pandemic and social isolation, social media, developmental trauma and attachment, and the special issues of transitional aged youth.

In this practical guide to strengthening your neurofeedback skills with children and adolescents, participants will learn techniques based on 12 years of experience and research to help calm the impulsive, wiggly child; engage the eye-rolling, distracted teen; and help these children cultivate healthy, life-long affect regulation.


Intermediate Neurofeedback Level 1 Course

Taught by Ed Hamlin, PhD, BCN

This 3-day class is open to people who have completed the 4-Day Introductory Neurofeedback Course and have had at least 3-6 months of consistent practice training friends, family, and/or clients. You will look at 3-site mini maps to understand common EEG patterns and what they suggest in terms of client arousal and recommended training. You will gain a greater understanding of the review screen, how the information it contains reflects your client’s inner experiences, and how the data can help you manage your neurofeedback sessions more effectively. You will learn more about learning theory and both the skill and art of managing thresholds. Finally, you will learn fascinating information about the relationship between neuroanatomy, human consciousness, physics, and the cosmos. 



Intermediate Neurofeedback Level 2 Course

Taught by Ed Hamlin, PhD, BCN

This 3-day course is open to people who have completed both the 4-Day Introductory Neurofeedback Course AND the Intermediate Level 1 Course. You will continue to expand your understanding of the EEG by adding additional sites to the mini map and improving your ability to recognize significant patterns. You will learn how to use more advanced training protocols and further your understanding of how neurofeedback can help your clients unlock their potential. 



Ongoing NFB Mentoring Online (Individual, Open Groups, and Closed Groups for Specific Agencies by request)

The Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) is the agency that oversees neurofeedback and biofeedback certification. Neurofeedback certification requires 25 hours of mentoring with a BCIA approved mentor. Mary Ammerman, PsyD, BCN is BCIA approved to provide individual and group mentoring for neurofeedback providers. Her sessions are conducted via GoToMeeting, computer software similar to Skyping that enables group members to see one another’s computer screens. That way we can review data and training sessions to get all your questions answered. Please click the link below for a copy of the BCIA mentoring agreement letter. You’re welcome to email Mary at for more information or to schedule a mentoring session.

BCIA Mentoring Letter Agreement

We also now offer mentoring for providers with Anna Morrell. She offers groups (open and closed) and individual. You can reach her for mentoring at  or by phone at 828-251-2882 ext. 1003 and leaving your name, phone number and e-mail address.